The Southwest Florida Tech Net, A Different Kind of Club!
The SWFL Tech Net is a Network of Ham Radio Enthusiasts from all over the United States that get together Virtually to Build and Operate Radio Equipment. We Attend Hamfests and Spread Awareness about Ham Radio and what we do.
Our Nets are for any Amateur Radio Operator that wants to discuss the technical aspects of the Hobby.
Unlike other nets, this is a Long Form Net. We never have a specific number of rounds or a set time.
Participants should never feel rushed or that there is not time for them.
The Net Controller and all participant will have the Ability to Post Links and Information directly to the Net Website on the Fly and participate in the Zoom Meeting! This will allow participants to see what is being discussed as it is being discussed. It is all set up for the maximum transfer of technical information.
All Information on this Net Including Voices on the radio may be recorded and used for Non-Profit Purposes specifically helping other Ham Radio Operators to learn and grow in the hobby. The Website, Videos, Recordings, Photos, Text, Links and Files shared are for the sole non-profit use of the SWFLTech Net and All Amateur Radio Operators for educational purposes. Use of the Net, Website, and the Radio During the Net, constitute permission for the non-profit educational use of anything shared by amateur radio operators worldwide.
This net and Website and Tech Net are Produced and Supported by the Southwest Florida Tech Team and it's Members around thecountry. Comments, Concerns, and Questions should be sent to SWFLTechNet@Gmail.com