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The SWFL Tech Net 

The Southwest Florida Tech Net is a Network of Ham Radio Operators around the United States that gather virtually to complete projects and set up repeater systems.  We are comprised of members who are retired from Public Safety and Commercial Radio Careers and love to work collectively on connected systems and processes.  We work through YouTube, and other outlets to promote Ham Radio and to gain new licensees into the Hobby.   We work through Zoom Meetings and Connected Repeater Systems to collaborate and achieve amazing results.   We further provide free educational services to any Ham Radio Operator who needs our help.      


All Information on this Net Including Voices on the radio may be recorded and used for Non-Profit Purposes specifically helping other Ham Radio Operators to learn and grow in the hobby.   The Website, Videos, Recordings, Photos, Text, Links and Files shared are for the sole non-profit use of the SWFLTech Net and All Amateur Radio Operators for educational purposes.   Use of the Net, Website, and the Radio During the Net, constitute permission for the non-profit educational use of anything shared by amateur radio operators worldwide.   The FCC and the Communications Act Do Not Forbid interception and disclosure of radio communications including Divulgence of transmissions by amateur radio or citizen band radio operators.  More Here


© 2022 by Ian J. Hickin, KO4EFS - SWFL Tech Net - Non Profit.   The SWFLTech.Net is Sponsored By & Operated By The Southwest Florida Tech Team

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