Amateur Radio Toolkit - It contains many calculators to help you design radios and antennas for all your projects.
Ham Utility For Droidz - Detailing frequency allocations, modes, bands plans, and live space weather
Ham Radio Call - Handy to have next to the radio to pop in a quick Call Sign and draw a line and get Miles, Azimuth, and Ham Info.
KB7TBT One Stop Space Weather Information Page - Leave it up, it Refreshes. It is really all on one page!
Space Weather.Com - The Old Standby, I love this page!
On-Line HF Propagation Prediction​ - Lots of Great Ham Radio Atmospheric and Space Weather Resourscs.
DXrobot - Another Good Space Weather / RF Propagation Site
Amateur Radio Repeaters By State Map - Helpful when you travel and want to talk on local repeaters. NOTE: Pins are on Towns not exact locations of Towersites.
Amateur Radio License Map - See who's licensed in your Neighborhood or Anywhere
Amateur Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map - View, convert, and distance your location's latitude and longitude to the maidenhead grid locator system for amatuer radio.
Line of Sight Calculator will determine both the "line of sight distance" and "radio horizon / service range" of an antenna placed at a specific height above the ground.
RF Line Of Sight Tool - This free online tool takes antenna height and the topographical formations of the earth to calculate the line-of-sight of a radio path. Note that buildings and other obstructions is not taken into consideration when calculating line-of-sight using this tool.
GO Box Design Tool - This is a Free Rack Design Tool that lets you take a photo of your equipment and place it in place on your Rack Design. Easy to start using and there are lots of tools and templates so you can visualize your creation before you drill the first hole. See one of my Earlier Renditions of my Box that I am building now that I made in this design tool HERE.
At first programming a radio seemed like a daunting task. I found chirp early on and realized that I could collect images (files for radios) and then just pluck out what I needed for my radio. It took me some time to figure it all out and even longer to find all the frequencies and codes necessary. I have saved you this frustration and time. Below are some images that you can download and use.
Remember Always read the image from the radio First and save it. Then take the file you want below and load it into your Chirp Software in a Seperate Tab. Then Copy and Paste the Channels you want to the Tab from your Radio. I wold not try to blow one of these directly into you radio. Different, makes, models and even firmware will make it not work. You can hold down 'ctrl' or "shift" and highlight all the channels you want and then just copy them over at one time. Pretty Easy! Don't have Chirp, get it now, it is completely free DOWNLOAD LINK
CAUTION: You may not want to use Chirp with Yaesu Radios. It may Void Your Warranty and cause Damage. Please research before using Chirp for anything but the Imported Chineese Radios. It seems to do Fine on all of the Baofeng, TYT, QYT, B-Tech, etc.
LEE COUNTY ARES STANDARD FREQUENCY LIST - Just the List with nothing else added - Blank spaces were left in so the Channel Lineup Matches.
LEE COUNTY ARES STANDARD FREQUENCY LIST PLUS - With Available Spaces Filled in with Useful Frequencies. Included are SARNET, NI4CE Tampa Area Repeater System, GMRS, FRS, NOAA WX, Limited Marine Channels, Local Simplex Nets, ARISS for the Space Stations Repeater and More.
ARISS - Amateur Radio International Space Station - On Board FM Cross Band Repeater - More Info HERE
NOTE: In Chirp you can pull down "RADIO" and Select "IMPORT FROM STOCK CONFIG" and you can drop many things right into the Chirp Image File that you downloaded from your radio. These include Marine Bande, Weather Band, Business Band, Calling Frequencies, MURS, FRS, and GMRS. You can also Select "RADIO" and then "IMPORT FROM DATA SOURCE" then "REPEATERBOOK", then use the 2 options there to get your Local Repeaters. There are further options there to get channels imported directly into your lineup. I find the Chirp Software to be Pretty Easy to get started with. One other note. To copy and paste within Chirp Fields you must use Right Click "COPY, ect. The "ctrl" C and 'ctrl V" do not work.