Here is a List Of Links that were Mentioned on the Net!
ARRL Many useful regulatory, educational, operating, and technical items and links
AC6V and DX Zone General-interest websites with many links on all phases of ham radio
QRZ.com Call sign lookup service and general-interest ham radio portal
eHam.net News, articles, equipment swap-and-shop, product reviews, and mailing lists
Radiowave Propagation Center Real-time information on propagation and solar data
Space Weather Prediction Center Real-time information on space weather and radio communications
TAPR Information on digital data modes and software-defined radio (SDR)
AMSAT Main site for information on amateur satellites
WA7BNM Contest Calendar Contest calendar and log due dates
YOTA (Youngsters On the Air) World-wide group for student and young adult hams, based in Europe
DXMAPS.com Collection of real-time maps showing worldwide activity on any amateur band
DX Summit Worldwide DX spotting network