The Southwest Florida Technical Team
This group is a place where like minded technical specialists and enthusiasts can meet and explore Amateur Radio Technology and Systems. This is not a Club in the way most folks see clubs. We are trying to bridge the gap between what Local Clubs do and what Amateur Radio operators actually want to be doing. Most Amateur Radio Clubs are stuck in the past with nostalgic members that resist change and new technology. These Roadblocks make it nearly impossible to make any large improvements or needed change within the club it'self. Therefor The South West Florida Technical Team fills this gap! We strongly recommend that you keep you membership with your local clubs, then use this group to supplement your activities!
This is not a social club. We will not be having luncheons, get togethers, awards dinners, or socials. What we do will be based on projects, events, builds, functions, contests, and operating our radios! Events will NEVER Be Planned during Business Hours when members are unavailable and functions will concentrate on the weekends. This is not a Club for retired naysayers from the past, it is for the folks that still want to do it, learn it, make it, build it, tune it, and talk on it! If that is you, please join today!
We are a group of folks that get together to do the following.
Continue to expand and improve the Friday Night Southwest Florida Tech Net
Promote Amateur Radio through community outreach, media relations, and public education. and.. We will actually do it!
Provide LIVE Audio Streaming and Echolink Services to Amateur Operators
Antenna Building and Project Days - Actually getting together and working on things
Provide Remote HF Phone and HF Digital Operating Stations to Members that do not have access to the sky.
Continue participating in and expanding real time propagation research projects
Group Contesting for both Digital and Phone
Group POTA Activations and Hunts
Future Plans include an Area Wide Linked and Connected Repeater System in Southwest Florida and Much More.
Membership is Free to anyone who is serious! Although there is no participation requirements, we are looking for folks that want to be active! There is no cost to join! We will work on what we want to fund and how we will fund it later! Much of what we do can be done with donations of equipment and time. We just need to get going and get R done!